Saturday, August 21, 2010

How to Build Confidence?


1. Spend time with people, who like you and care about you.

2. Ignore and stay away from people who put you down or treat badly.

3. Do things that you enjoy or that make you feel good.

4. Reward yourself for your success.

5. Develop your talents.

6. Be your own best friend, treat yourself well and do things that are good for you.

7. Make good choices for yourself and don’t let others make choices for you.

8. Take responsibility for yourself, your choices and your actions.

9. Always do, what you believe is right.

10. Be true to yourself.

11. Respect others and treat them right.

12. Treating others the way you want to be treated.

13. Show kindness towards other and consider them equally.

14. Accept others as they are.

15. Believe in yourself.

16. Never quit.

17. Don’t be hope less.

18. Give the world the best you have.

19. And never forget, no problem is without a solution......


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