Thursday, August 12, 2010

Amazing Facts - Language Facts

  • The 'v' in the name of a court case does not stand for 'versus', but for 'and' (in civil proceedings) or 'against' (in criminal proceedings)
  • More than 1,000 different languages are spoken on the continent of Africa.
  • Canada" is an Indian word meaning "Big Village".
  • The verb "cleave" is the only English word with two synonyms which are antonyms of each other: adhere and separate
  • "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt".
  • No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple.
  • "Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand and "lollipop" with your right.
  • The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the alphabet.
  • The words 'racecar,' 'kayak' and 'level' are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left (palindromes).
  • There are only four words in the English language which end in "dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous
  • There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: "abstemious" and "facetious."
  • TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.
  • Switching letters is called spoonerism. For example, saying jag of Flapan, instead of flag of Japan
  • Of all the words in the English language, the word ' set ' has the most definitions!
  • "Go." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language
  • The vocabulary of the average person consists of 5,000 to 6,000 words.
  • No word in the English language rhymes with "month".
  • The word "racecar", "kayak", and "radar" are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left.
  • The ‘v’ in the name of a court case does not stand for ‘versus’, but for ‘and’ (in civil proceedings) or ‘against’ (in criminal proceedings).
  • Switching letters is called spoonerism. For example, saying jag of Flapan, instead of flag of Japan.
  • The verb “cleave” is the only English word with two synonyms which are antonyms of each other: adhere and separate.
  • "a man a plan a canal panama" spelled backwards is still "a man a plan a canal panama"
  • The names of the continents all end with the same letter with which they start.

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